Open lecture of Winy Maas – MVRDV
Join us for the Open Lecture of Winy Maas of MVRDV, organized by “The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport” and “Re:think Space” at the American University in Kosova – Auditorium on Tuesday, 21st February starting from 18.00h.
Winy Maas (b. 1958, schijndel, the netherlands) founded the Rotterdam-based office MVRDV in 1993 with dutch architects Jacob Van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries. Specializing in the fields of architecture, urbanism and landscape design, the firm has worked on a wide variety of projects such as the dutch pavilion for the world expo 2000 in hannover, WOZOCO housing forthe elderly in amsterdam, the boutique shopping building gyrein Tokyo, and the innovative business park ‘flight forum’ in Eindhoven. Aiming to provide solutions to contemporary architecturaland urban issues, MVRDV is adept at exploring the built environment by conceptual means. Their monographic publications FARMAX (1998) and KM3 (2005) illustrates ideas and theorieson densification, multiple space use, sustainability and globalization with how they have applied these elements in to their process and resulting design. Currently, the office has a number of projects under way incountries including the Netherlands, Spain, China, France, Austria, and the UK. (via designboom)