Here’s another proposal from the many entries of the Central Mosque of Prishtina International Competiton, by Portuguese practice OODA studio in collaboration with AND-re. This proposal illustrates the glowing strength of the Islamic religious architecture embraced in architecture and the instant significance to the current state of architectural philosophy in Kosovo. Project description from the architects, after the break…
Project Details:
OODA: Diogo Brito, Rodrigo Vilas-Boas, Francisco Lencastre, Isabel Vincke;
AND-Ré: Francisco Salgado Re, Bruno Andre, Filipe Paixao, Fernando Ferreira, Catarina Fernandes
Type: Competition
Size: 60,000 sqm
The proposed Mosque stands as an affirmation of these values, resulting in a conceptual coherent solution, materialized in a logical and clear system. The proposal is the outcome of an intense research on the mosque theme, spanning from a profound historical study of cultural heritage, analysing the evolution through time, in the program, in the materiality and form, understanding the different geographical characteristics or the social and urban impacts.
This project responds actively to the proposed goals, accomplishing several standards and conditions, and even going beyond, namely because: it stands as a strong landmark, yet responsible and objective; its is monumental, yet human related by the scale and form; its is conceived for the future, in terms of materials, configuration, capacity, and innovation concept; it embodies tradition in an contemporary approach; it stands out in the landscape, yet without neglecting the surroundings; it is a place that enhances spirituality, but also promotes and embraces a wider social role; it is sustainable and environment friendly; it is adapted to several occupational needs, since it is capable to adapt the scale of the physical space to a versatile number of users, dividing or expanding the space in multiple configurations.