Best of ONUP 2013
It’s December, and we want to thank all of our visitors, contributors and partners on collaborating with us on increasing awareness of the architectural culture in Kosovo, followed by publications of local projects, architect profiles, and various architectural events!
Over the past 12 months we’ve introduced some awesome projects accomplished by the architectural practices in Kosovo, thus we would like to present a Top 10 of the most popular projects of 2013 assembled by the reactions and the shares of our visitors.
Until 2014, we wish you a Happy New Year full of love and lots of inspiration. Thank you!
#01: Hamam Jazz Lounge
#02: Central Mosque of Prishtina by Maden Group & Co
#03: DON Café concept by Innarch
#04: Model School by Urban Plus
#05: ARTING LLC Highrise
#06: Peja Bazaar: A Winning Collaboration
#08: Gjakova University Campus Entry
#09: RIERA Residential Complex by LESNA