Gjakova’s park Competition
Architectural competitions in Kosova have been a disappointment ever since. Frequently inadequately organized, unfair, and usually unrealized. Worse, the state and municipal bodies who organize most competitions don’t care on drawing up contemporary competition briefs, and generally only announce them on their own official sites.
However, things have started to change! Municipal organizations have started to work on competitions with independent organizations, as the case of EUROPAN KOSOVA and other investors have begun to announce further international competitions. The mother Teresa Square Competition in Gjakova has proved to be one of those examples. Initiated in springs 2015 by the municipality of Gjakova, its aim was to set a transform to the city’s central park into a pleasant place to be.
The competition, collected over 40 entries of which the jury selected three finalists. Announcing BM Architects from Macedonia and Rron Tresi as the third place winners, a collaboration of architects Eliza HOXHA, Dafina SHLLAKU and Laura SHLLAKU as the second place winners, and URBAN PLUS one of most renown local practices as the competitions winners.
Stay tuned to ONUP Magazine, as we will be featuring the proposals and the winning project in the upcoming days.