The National Judo Center

The National Judo center whose design HomeProject Studio completed a few months ago as the winner of the competition announced by Ministry of Culture and Sports, will be built within Peja’s center, on the “Madeleine Albright” street – an area that is all surrounded by open private proprietorship. An area which is mostly destined of high-rise buildings (collective housing), public buildings, social & cultural buildings and administrative.

The building proposal is of 4 stories height, topped by an open terrace and the basement for parking use. In accordance to the competition request the facility includes, the garage, accommodation facilities, off-license businesses like sports shops, local handicrafts and restaurants, and the last but not least the headquarters of Kosova’s Judo Federation. According to the architects, the building has a contemporary architecture with a unique expression focusing on Japanese architecture elements, identifying thus the origin of this sport.