Compact Living: IKEA and Ori Living Propose Flexible Solution for Tiny Homes
IKEA is going to make tiny homes extremely functional with a flexible robotic furniture system ROGNAN developed in collaboration with the Boston-based start-up Ori Living. With ROGNAN, people will be able to turn their small spaces into smart spaces that have all the comfort and convenience of a home.
ROGNAN features Ori’s robotic platform working with the IKEA storage system PLATSA as a standard geometry. This means that people can easily change the function and look of ROGNAN, or move PLATSA to another place if needed, being more conscious and less wasteful of what they buy by prolonging the life of the product and letting the product adapt to their life changes. ROGNAN also works with TRÅDFRI cabinet and wardrobe smart lighting.
“With ROGNAN, small space living customers will no longer have to compromise their needs, dreams or comfort in order to achieve a multi-functional living environment. With ROGNAN the customer gets eight extra square meters of living space, using robotics to transform the solution from bedroom to walk-in closet, to work space, to living room. An all-in-one solution activated through a simple interface touchpad,” says Seana Strawn.
“Instead of making the furniture smaller, we transform the furniture to the function that you need at that time. When you sleep, you do not need your sofa. When you use your wardrobe, you do not need your bed etc.”, Seana continues.
The form, function, and price of ROGNAN are based on the needs of an urban, extreme small-space living consumer; determined through home visits, data, and expertise in the IKEA retail markets of Hong Kong and Japan. The first launch of ROGNAN will be in these two countries in 2020.