“OLD BAZAAR” third place winner

The third prize – proposal by Fatlum Radoniqi and Arben Vërzivolli in collaboration with IVANIŠIN. KABASHI. ARHITEKTI.

Located in the historic centre, the project site (8600m²) is characterized by its own edge, unlike other much smaller surrounding parcels. Clear limits suggested that we take advantage of the projected scale by forming our proposal as an enclodsed  block that encircles the new Market Square (8), the new Central Park (10) that evolves by preserving the existing trees and the Main Square (9) that offers a variety of usage possibilities. The new central “regeneration area” is easily accessible through the two main covered entrances (1) and (5) to the Main Square and through the other four entrances that connects other parts of the surrounding area (2), (3), (4) and (6) (the numbers marked in the site plan). The Park also offers the pathways in continuation of the street-structure of the historic centre that together with the new Main Square and the Market Square will also encourage the urban regeneration of the surrounding area which is mostly characterized by its informal density, old structures such as Turkish-Bath, Mosques, Watch-Tower, Schools, national television RTK etc. The new Structure itself is defined by the two level shops (16 – 40m²) that are positioned along the edge of the site. To offer a better usability most of them are oriented both sides, inside and outside.

The block starts with the first sequence of shops in the North-East corner. Those facing the street side are two-leveled and those facing the market are one-leveled, thus adding on its value as they may also be used as restaurants which may offer fresh products from the market. They are discontinued by the first main covered entrance (1) to the Square (the multi-functional area).

The following sequence of two-leveled shops face both sides, street and the central park are also discontinued by the second entrance (2) which is perceived as an extension of the Vasil Andoni Street throughout the park and as such increases the value of the existing street-structure of the historic centre. This entrance also connects the patio (11) which is placed in the south of the structure and divides the shops of the third sequence into two-row shops (also two-leveled). The first row is positioned on the street-side facing the street and the patio and the second row is positioned on the park-side facing the park and the patio. The shops around the patio would be adequate for arts and crafts that are to be promoted therefore we also suggested a different solution for the second level of the shops (facing the patio and the Agim Ramadani Street) which could be used for artisans, thus the smaller windows that refers to a traditional architecture, and the transparent ground-level for retail.

The Patio can also be entered through the third Covered-Entrance (3) (which is covered by a bigger Roof that offers a shelter for the bus-stop in front) placed in the South, enclosing  the third sequence in the West by its fourth covered-entrance (4).

The fourth sequence starts with the two-level shops that face either street-side or the park-side continuing with the shops that face both sides and ends with the fifth Covered-Entrance (5) to the square on the West side. The fifth sequence that offers different level shops faced either on the street-side or market-side, same as the first sequence, offers interactivity with the market. The west side of this sequence also covers the Garage entrance (7) that offers parking lots for 80 cars (can be extended in the North raising the parking lots for around 50 cars). The North side closes the circle by adding another (optional) level for the shops that can be used as offices. The shops of the first and fifth sequence take advantage of the big terrace that offers a view at the Market, Square and the Park.
The materials used such as the concrete structure, wooden window-frames and glass for the shop-sequences, concrete pillars supporting the roof that cover the entrances, the metal construction that covers the market which is perforated to help the light pass through, the pavement applied on the square and the market and the nature of the park, tend to transcribe the traditional logic of built structures into a more contemporary expression.