Mother Theresa Museum in Prizren

Kosovan architecture office Pacarizi Architects has sent us their proposal of their new project Mother Theresa Museum in Prizren. More images and a quick architects description after the break.

Prizren will have the first and probably the smallest museum in after war Kosova. In front of the Prizren Catholic cathedral, just across the street Gezim Paçarizi architect is building (2009-2012) a small museum.

Furniture trade fair “Natyra 2012”

Seventh Edition of International Furniture trade fair Pristine, June 14 – 18, 2012.

AWPK for the seventh time brings in Kosovo the specialized fair of wood processors ,offering contacting ,presenting and business opportunities for home and foreign companies, mainly from Kosovo ,Macedonia, Germany, Albania, Italy etc.  This fair present ideas and realizations of modern and classic furniture for:

Tregtia High-rise Quarter

As one of the largest local construction companies, Tregtia proposes on building a high-rising quarter located in Lakrishte, in the high-rises district of central Prishtina.

The project programmatically comprises of a commercial high-rise tower of 17 storeys and by six residential towers of 10 storeys, connected by a continuous landscape garden that accommodates the adjunct commercial facilities.

New skiing center in Brezovica

After a broad study conducted by one of the largest companies known worldwide for developing and optimizing ski areas – Ecosign Europa, it seems that Brezovica is going to be receiving a new skiing winter center, close to the existing but old skiing areas.

According to news released by, the master plan for the skiing center, that will be five times bigger than the center in Mavrovo, Macedonia, is going to be announced on 6’th February, where the audience will get to know more detailed information about the new center.

Hotel Sirius

Puka Design architecture practice has completed a new accommodation and conference center located in the center of Prishtina, the Hotel Sirius as one of the latest hotels to join the growing competition in the developing market of catering in Kosovo.

An “I” shaped section, evaluated in the front side and connected with square shape inspirations on site plan, elevation and façade, Hotel Sirius extends itself as a luxury hotel with 8 floors of different sized rooms and a fancy restaurant on the top floor, with a nice view towards Prishtina.

Remodeling Zahir Pajaziti Square

Prishtina’s citizens today seek for new lively gathering places where they could experience their neighboorhoods, where different cultures mix. Therefore squares are really important to city’s social and especially economical future. As an urban renewal project, the municipality of Prishtina initiated the competition of remodeling the most central and relevant public space in Prishtina, the Zahir Pajaziti Square.

TV show on informal building

A public campaign designed by Archis Interventions/Prishtina will accompany the process of legalization. Public presentations and a media campaign will broach the issues regarding the most important principles (security, infrastructural connections, social aspects) by raising public awareness. The concept has been developed by Archis Interventions (Visar Geci, Florina Jerliu and Kai Vöckler).

“Ibrahim Rugova” square ready to be built

“Ibrahim Rugova” square in Prishtina has finally gotten the green light, because the municipality has chosen “Allzone & ABC” consortium, as contractors of the project that will cost around 4 Million Euros.

Both companies “Allzone” and “ABC” have previous experience in road construction and the Municipality of Prishtina has considered them as successful and has trusted them the project. Mabetex was also part of the competition, but they were considered too expensive.

Horizon’s Group first stage of “Dodona Project”

Horizons Group has just recently released their final design for a new residential and commercial area in Prishtina.

The new construction site, which in the past was compromised by old houses with oriental architecture, will be housing a new Commercial & Administrative building that is considered the first stage of the “Dodona Project”, also part of the Municipalities Program for further urban development of Prishtina.

Landslip at ENK Complex

Started in 2006, ENK Complex represents a historical urban moment for the further development of the capital of Kosovo, Prishtina.

ENK Complex that is still under construction and it is planed to offer offices, luxury apartments and a hotel with 5 stars, has just recently suffered from landslide at the working site, where nobody has been injured and the project it’s self isn’t halted.

Apartments in Sofalia


As the Prishtina’s dense population expands enormously, there is a need to evaluate how the ground can be used more efficiently to satisfy the demands of a growing city like Prishtina. The main idea of this project proposal by GG Group is to create more compact and dense living spaces to avoid the spreading.

NAi Debates on Tour: Unbuilt Prishtina

On 25th of Februarary 2010, the NAi (Netherlands Architecture Institute) teamed up with Archis Interventions, hosted the debate "Unbuilt Prishtina" featuring Marcel Musch from BVR Adviseurs, Ruimtelijke Ontwikkelin and Wilma Ruis from De Beuk organisatieadvies, and a panel of representatives of the Municipality of Prishtina, members of the...

On 25th of Februarary 20...

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SKYPE LECTURE Prishtina Connection

SKYPE LECTURE Prishtina Connection by bad architects group, live from the aut. architektur und tirol in Innsbruck, Austria and from Ogilvy Kosova in Prishtina, Kosova. Starting from 19.00h, 25th of March 2010. Limited engagement, RSVP to until 12.00h, March 25th.  Download Invitation here...

SKYPE LECTURE Prishtina Co...

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DEBATE Unbuilt Prishtina

On Thursday the 25th of February, the NAi and Archis Interventions, organize a debate in Prishtina, between Dutch and Kosovan experts. The subject of the debate is civilian participation in the planning of urban public space and new planning tools. Confirmed Dutch Participant are Mr....

On Thursday the 25th of Fe...

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A Home for You by Maden Group

During 2009, Maden Group a local practice of young architects and engineers  published their first catalog, A Home for You. The catalog includes a wide selection of house projects, ranging from smaller ecological houses, to XL houses, which go in parallel with a series of writings from different fields as architecture, urbanism, interior design, and engineering.

Benneton – ex Union Hotel

After the burning of Union Hotel, the owning company of the building started with the renovation of it. €3.2 millions will be invested to renovate the destroyed building, which received the blessing of the municipal authorities in order to preserve its old architectural style. According to the owner Tafaj 3ha, it’s planned to open a “Benetton” store, ateliers and a modern bar-restaurant.

After the break, the Arassociati Architects description and project visualization.

New City Library in Gjakova


Last Saturday June 13th, the completion of the new city library named on the behalf of the first president of Kosova “Ibrahim Rugova”, was inaugurated on the presence of the Fatmir Sejdiu – President of Kosova, Valton Beqiri – Minister of Youth, Culture and Sport, and on the presence of Pal Lekaj – Mayor of Gjakova.

Prishtina Stadium Renovation


The stadium that is used as a multi-functional sport field is located in the center of the city. In the fifties some small tribune were build along the field with a capacity of 5.000 seats. Then was rebuilt in the 80’s by expanding on its sides and the upper West grandstands were added covered with a huge steel roof, creating a space for 38,500 fans.

Library school “Bunateka”


The main problem for the majority of the youth in Kosova is that they live in or originate from rural zones. There are few villages in which reading possibilities are available for young people.  A large number of village schools do not possesses their own library,  most of the young people are unprepared and insufficiently informed for the current working environment.