Why Malls Are Dying!?

In the 1980s, malls were a place to meet, to hang out, to find your entertainment while socializing. Malls made "deciding what to do" simple because they offered a variety of shopping, movies, restaurants, and arcades. But with the rise of online shopping, home video,...

In the 1980s, malls were a pla...

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Xi Zhang: What is good architecture…?

What is good architecture and why the world does not need more star architects. For star architects, all too frequently it is all about expressing their creativity and “genius” in their architecture. But truly great architecture is selfless. It is not self-serving but about making designs...

What is good architecture and ...

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Gëzim Paçarizi at TEDxTirana

"Architecture can improve people’s lives" speech of Gëzim Paçarizi at TEDxTirana. Gëzim strongly believes that Architecture should improve peoples lives. A city should be a good place to live. A School should inspire learning. A House should be a place inspiring happiness....

"Architecture can improve peop...

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Bunatek for AKAW 2016

A series of public libraries for disadvantaged youth in rural areas, BUNATEKA, by architect Bujar Nrecaj has been shortlisted for AGHA KHAN ARCHITECTURE AWARDS 2016. More on the project, please link to our previous post.    VIDEO PRESENTATION URL...

A series of public libraries f...

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ONUP Talks 2014: Visar Geci

  Watch above the video talk by Visar Geci of INNARCH the architectural practice famous for their Don Cafe conceptual interior designs, giving an extent to which technology has transformed the architecture, and the challenges of architecture education abroad....

  Watch above the vide...

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Celesi architecture TV shows

“Celesi” TV show is an architecture TV show, produced by Eliza HOXHA, a Kosova-based architect and RTV21, a television broadcaster, as the only architecture TV series developed for Kosovan public that profiles local architecture scene, taking the viewer on an up-close and informative tour — not just...

“Celesi” TV show is an archite...

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VIDEO: Urban chaos in Prishtina

In a local TV show, some professionals of architecture and urban planning in Kosova made a brief appearance talking about urbanization and living of urban life in Prishtina, with its difficulties and forthcoming challenges. Whereas governors are trying to deal with more vital problems in politics, some opportunist investors...

In a local TV show, some profe...

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VIDEO: “Boro-Ramizi” Center

  We’ve just stumbled upon this awesome video on a TV show made in 1975 by the local Television of Prishtina, showing the enthusiasm of the capital's inhabitants, respectively employees of different companies for the construction of sports and recreation facilities, which then would be called Social Sports...

  We’ve just stumbled up...

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Hot water to heat Prishtina

In this short video presentation  by European Union Kosovo, show the ongoing Structure and Installation Works at Heat Receiving Station Termokos. Things are going to change this winter in capital Prishtina in terms of the heating. A new project is underway to link Prishtina with the...

In this short video presentati...

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PAW 2013: day 4 – Lulzim Kabashi

So we’re back with another Prishtina Architecture Week 2013 lecture. Presenting Lulzim Kabashi, the Kosovan-born architect from Ivanisin. Kabashi. Arhitekti practice, headquartered in Croatia. Kabashi walked the audience through their studio design projects, and the new developing project of “The New Prishtina” – West Zone regulatory plan.

PAW 2013: day 3 – Enric Ruiz Geli

Prishtina Architecture Week 2013 hosted a lecture by the respected architect Enric Ruiz-Geli, the founder of Cloud 9. Presenting his practice works, Enric Ruiz-Geli explained to the Kosovarian audience their office commitment to the use of new technological development and the perfomative dimension of architecture, creating smart structures mimicking nature.  A great example of his work is Media –TIC an innovative building project with a net-like steel structure, awarder by WAF 2011 World’s Building of the Year.

PAW 2013: day 3 – Bostjan Vuga

Bostjan Vuga together with Jurij Sadar is the co-founder of SADAR + VUGA, one of the most prominent practices from the eastern Europe. Participating in many projects in Kosova, such as the redevelopment proposal Arberia Park and being awarded the second prize winner to the Prishtina Central Mosque international competition, Bostjan Vuga came back giving a lecture during the Prishtina Architecture Week 2013.

PAW 2013: day 2 – Bujar Nrecaj

Watch Bujar Nrecaj of BNArchitects giving a lecture during Prishtina Architecture Week 2013, talking about his own architectural studio and the ideas he is applying since his return to Kosovo. This 60 minutes video lecture tours viewers through his intention of creating a meaningful, powerful and simple architecture, along with his effort of recreating and reinterpreting the urban built environment.

PAW 2013: day 1 – Arbnor Murati

Kosovan architect Arbnor Murati director of the “swiss-kosovan” based practice MORKOTE, on his lecture during Prishtina Architecture Week 2013 gave an insight into their past and current works of his practice. Sharing his design challenges and the success story on winning the prestigious international competition of the Campusuniversity USI/SUPSI, Lugano.

Snøhetta in the hood

A few weeks back ReThink Space and Studio Snøhetta a world famous practice of urban design, architecture, landscape architecture, and interior architecture office based in Oslo, Norway and New York, USA challenged the young architects in Prishtina organizing a workshop from September 18-19, to design possible interventions in the city’s public spaces.

The following article, by Cristina Marí elaborates the creative solutions to the respond of city’s public spaces, originally appeared in KOSOVO 2.0 as “Playing with the dark corners of Prishtina”.

TV show on informal building

A public campaign designed by Archis Interventions/Prishtina will accompany the process of legalization. Public presentations and a media campaign will broach the issues regarding the most important principles (security, infrastructural connections, social aspects) by raising public awareness. The concept has been developed by Archis Interventions (Visar Geci, Florina Jerliu and Kai Vöckler).