CMPR: Taller 301 & L+CC

Recently the Islamic Community of the Republic of Kosova announced the three winners of the Central Mosque of Prishtina International Competition, with no first prize winners announcing Sadarvuga and a Turkish practice as runner offs competitors, for the final design improvments in accordance with further suggestions from the Islamic Community.

However, other competitors shared their entry proposals with the public. Referring to publication, see the brief proposal by Colombian practice Taller 301 and Dutch practice L+CC.

Europan 12 Kosova: Team Up!

EUROPAN is a call for projects of ideas at the urban and architectural scale, addressed to young architects under 40 years of age, which look for innovative housing solutions in different urban sites in European towns.

Following a successful first-time organization of the Europan 11 competition, Europan Kosova is participating also this year’s Europan 12 competition, among the 15 other participating countries on the theme The Adaptable City with the project site in Gjilan. For further information on the competition and participating details, read after the break.

Central Mosque – Competition Winners

The winners of the international design competition for the Central Mosque of Prishtina were recently announced by the organizer, the Islamic Community of the Republic of Kosova. The competition had invited freelancers from around the world to design a place of worship, a place of multidimensional functions, a landmark of Kosova.

The announced results for the CMPR design competition draws with NO first place winner!

PEJA BAZAAR by Urban Plus

On the competition Peja Bazaar, features as spatial development, functionality and practicability were taken much into consideration. Therefore the second winning proposal by Urban PLUS presented a variety of a combined appearance transferring the plot to the required number of units resulting on mosaic architecture of eight different cubes, providing commonly accessible spaces, with an inner square that would satisfy the needs of the shop owners and meanwhile provide a better access to the riverfront.

Continue after the break for more images and description by the project authors.

Locus: Proposal by Maden Group

On the recent publication from the Department of Urbanism and Environmental Protection of the Municipality of Peja on the winners of the competition Peja City Center, Maden Creative Studio held the third place. This studio`s design approach named Locus, or the center of activities or power, not only merges the architecture with the overwhelming natural beauties the city of Peja hosts, but also redefines this part of the city as the center of all future activities. Below you may find the studio`s design description and exclusive presentation renderings.

Peja: A city seeking European trends

A city of 96,000, home of the White Drin River and the picturesque Rugova Canyon, Peja is undergoing vast urban developments. Recently, the Department of Urbanism and Environmental Protection of the Municipality of Peja held a competition on revisioning the center of the city, as per the Urban Regulatory Plan “Centre, Kapeshnica and Karagaqi”.

EASA Reaction 2013

EASA (European Architecture Students Assembly) është një platformë për shkëmbimin e ideve dhe njohurive te studenteve te arkitekturës nga Evropa. E nisur në vitin 1981 kur studentët e arkitekturës nga Liverpooli, ftuan kolegët e tyre nga Evropa të vinin për të diskutuar dhe propozuar zgjidhjet për problemet e qytetit të tyre.

Që atëherë, çdo vit, studentët evropianë të arkitekturës takohen në një qytet tjetër me qëllimin e shkëmbimit të ideve dhe vizioneve në arkitekturë. Kështu dhe ketë vjet organizohet “EASA Reaction 2013”, në  Zuzemberk, Sloveni.

Për pjesëmarrje të studenteve të arkitekturës nga Kosova në ketë eveniment, EASA KOSOVA ka shpallur konkurs për aplikim.  Në vijim gjeni kushtet:

Remodeling Zahir Pajaziti Square

Prishtina’s citizens today seek for new lively gathering places where they could experience their neighboorhoods, where different cultures mix. Therefore squares are really important to city’s social and especially economical future. As an urban renewal project, the municipality of Prishtina initiated the competition of remodeling the most central and relevant public space in Prishtina, the Zahir Pajaziti Square.

More about Mobility Centre Project


The “International Spatial Design Competition for the Mobility Centre Project” in 2008,  sought ideas for a new transport interchange and city spatial plan for the city of Ferizaj, situated in southern Kosovo. The objective was to produce a catalyst for the regeneration of the urban centre by integrating all modes of transport into a Mobility Centre – linking this regional city to neighboring capitals.

Mobility Center Project in Ferizaj

The ‘International Spatial Design Competition for the Mobility Center Project’ sought ideas for a new transport interchange and city spatial plan for the city of Ferizaj, situated in southern Kosova. The objective was to produce a catalyst for the regeneration of the urban centre by integrating all modes of transport into a Mobility Centre – linking this regional city to neighboring capitals.