“SEAMbisiosis” winners of Europan 13 Gjakova

Dea Luma, Erblin Bucaliu, and Rrita Pula are the architects of one of the winners of the Europan 13 Architecture Competition. Their project “SEAMbiosis”, is the winning proposal for the historic city of Gjakova, aiming to revitalize the city center and further develop the “Krena” riverbank, as well as create better connectivity within town.

More images and architects’ description after the break.

Prizren’s new stadium proposal

Football fans of Prizren’s main football club KF Liria, which competes on the elite league of Kosova, will have a new standard 15,000 seats stadium according to borozani.com, a local sports’ daily. This new arrangement involves the redevelopment of the Prizren’s city stadium “Perparim Thaci” and it’s surrounding...

Football fans of Prizren’s mai...

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ONUP Talks 2014: Visar Geci

  Watch above the video talk by Visar Geci of INNARCH the architectural practice famous for their Don Cafe conceptual interior designs, giving an extent to which technology has transformed the architecture, and the challenges of architecture education abroad....

  Watch above the vide...

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