“SEAMbisiosis” winners of Europan 13 Gjakova

Dea Luma, Erblin Bucaliu, and Rrita Pula are the architects of one of the winners of the Europan 13 Architecture Competition. Their project “SEAMbiosis”, is the winning proposal for the historic city of Gjakova, aiming to revitalize the city center and further develop the “Krena” riverbank, as well as create better connectivity within town.

More images and architects’ description after the break.

ONUP Talks 2014 lectures

Exactly one year ago to this date we started the ONUP Talks series, where with the support of the Kosovar Ministry of Diaspora, we organized the symposium ONUP Talks 14: “Home or Abroad”, with diaspora professionals which have learned "habits" and "craft" from schools/places where they...

Exactly one year ago to this d...

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BMA + Tresi proposal on Gjakova’s Park

Aiming to consolidate the park site in to a more rational space, the team led by Besian Mehmeti Architects and Rron Tresi have won the special mention award, on the competition launched by municipal of Gjakova to redesign city’s park area. Designed to act as a welcoming landmark for the...

Aiming to consolidate the park...

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11 Qershori afati definitiv per legalizim

Kanë mbetur edhe tre javë kur do të përfundojë afati ligjor për aplikim për regjistrimin e objekteve të ndërtuara pa leje. Shefi i sektorit të urbanizmit Hazir Zhitia tha për Radio Kosovën, se në komunën e Prishtinës procesi është i suksesshëm. Sipas tij, deri më...

Kanë mbetur edhe tre javë kur ...

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EUROPA 13 Gjakova

As we've revealed earlier,  the Europan 13 competition is now open! Young architects and professionals of the urban design under 40 years of age can now participate to the competition on one or more than 49 different sites in 15 European countries, including the site proposed by the Municipality...

As we've revealed earlier,  th...

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Follow up: Architecture in Kosova

Dear readers, 5 years ago since we started ONUP we have featured our magazine portal in various social networks, including here FLICKR, an image hosting and video hosting website. Therefore starting of today we will feature a selection from our Flick group, showing on this round photos of different...

Dear readers, 5 years ago sinc...

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A contemporary obelisk in Gjakova

As professionals struggle to template modern monuments, Gjakova will soon have its first contemporary cenotaph proposed and designed by Maden Group, in the remembrance of Gjakovar soldiers who have sacrificed their lives for the nation. This war memorial project expresses the path of so many young...

As professionals struggle to t...

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nga Ernest Ferizi Në pamundësinë që të kontribuonim në mënyrë të drejtpërdrejtë në ndryshimet urbanistike të Prishtinës, lëviznim gotat e ujit dhe të makiatos me profesorin, duke i trajtuar ato si objekte ndërsa tavolinën afër të cilës ishim ulur e trajtonim si qytetin tonë të dashur të...

nga Ernest Ferizi Në pamundës...

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Për faltoren e UP-së

nga Getoar Mjeku Nji ndërtesë gogol n’oborrin e universitetit ma në fund mund t’u hyjë në punë studentëve që u ka zanë rrugën tash e njizet vjet. Pushtuesit e nisën asokohe për pakicën sunduese. Por sod, kisha e pakryeme pranë bibliotekës mund t’u vyejë të gjithëve...

nga Getoar Mjeku Nji ndërtesë...

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Kosovar students, competition winners

The annual students competition “Society for all ages” organized by UN-HABITAT and ICCC (International Council for Caring Communities), have announced the winners of its 2014 edition. Among the winners of the principal awards of the competition, second entry winners were Kosovar students, Dafine Shllaku and Laura Shllaku, with their project proposal for the development of an integrated community.

Prishtina Used To Have Two Rivers

by Attila Beksac

Prishtina seems too hasty these days. The city,  which is the youngest capital of both Balkans and Europe has lots of problems to solve while ‘turbo-urbanism’ has taken effect in whole its distritcs .

It can be said, this experience that Prishtina has been tasting since the end of Kosovo War is familiar and has taken its roots from the ex-memories of territory’s rich historical cities. ‘Identity crisis’ seems obviously  the most suitable topic to call this developments.

Prishtina Architecture Week: Day 2

The Prishtina Architecture Week moved into its second and busiest day yet.

It started off with exhibits, student reviews, open studio in the morning and afternoon and concluded with lectures and screening late this evening at Modelarium – FCAE Department of Architecture. The “prime time” of today`s events started with the lecture of Bujar Nrecaj from bnarchitects on his firm`s past and present projects.

Gjakova University Campus Entry

The proposal submitted by Dafina Muriqi, Shpat Pozhegu and Besmir Hasi is one of the total two submissions for the “Campus Design Competition of the University of Gjakova”. Although the competition was cancelled in absence of more than three participants, the proposal of these young architects deserves to be part of our website architectural proposals. More details about the project, after the break…

Central Mosque – Competition Winners

The winners of the international design competition for the Central Mosque of Prishtina were recently announced by the organizer, the Islamic Community of the Republic of Kosova. The competition had invited freelancers from around the world to design a place of worship, a place of multidimensional functions, a landmark of Kosova.

The announced results for the CMPR design competition draws with NO first place winner!

Qyteti im, deshira ime, zhgenjimi im…


…Qyteti nuk është një tekst i rrallë, bile nuk është tekst fare. Do të ishte iluzioni më i keq nëse qyteti lexohet si një objekt, prandaj ai është një formë e jetës, një entitet shoqëror.

Qyteti në funksion të ndërtesës arkitektonike, apo ndërtesa arkitektonike në harmoni me qytetin? E ngrita këtë problematikë që në fillim të këtij shkrimi protestues e njëherit edhe lehtësues për ndërgjegjen time të rënduar nga pa mundësia e ndryshimit rrënjësor të praktikave të tilla që dita ditës po e degradojnë e shkatërrojnë çerdhen e jetës së lumtur sociale – Qytetin! . Më gumëzhijnë vargjet e Migjenit “Ah si se kam një grusht të fortë, ti e bie këtij malit që heshtë”, veçse unë po e përdori në një kontekst pak më ndryshe porse me të njëjtin vrull inat, dhe pezëm.