11 Qershori afati definitiv per legalizim

Kanë mbetur edhe tre javë kur do të përfundojë afati ligjor për aplikim për regjistrimin e objekteve të ndërtuara pa leje. Shefi i sektorit të urbanizmit Hazir Zhitia tha për Radio Kosovën, se në komunën e Prishtinës procesi është i suksesshëm. Sipas tij, deri më...

Kanë mbetur edhe tre javë kur ...

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EUROPAN KOSOVA has just published the results for Europan 12 Competition, taking site in Gjilan. Out of 35 projects submitted by young architects that we’re in the look of a more innovative result of urban solutions, with the theme “The Adaptable City”.

The jury of international architects has unanimously announced their verdict of no first prize winner, announcing the runner up entry with code XX634 and a special mention to the entry with code AH655.

Europan 12 Kosova Exhibit

Earlier this year, we publicized the Europan 12 Kosova Competetion taking site in Gjilan with the theme “The Adaptable City”, tempting young architects on improving the cultural life in the city and provide new facilities for municipal administration, and changing the image of the center with new civic buildings and public spaces.

EUROPAN KOSOVA invites you into emerging architect’s universe, on the EUROPAN KOSOVA 12 exhibit, which will be on display at the City Gallery (Theater Building) in Gjilan on the 6th of September, presenting and analyzing innovattive design strategies of Gjilan’s city center, provided by more than 35 international and national participants.

Europan 12 Kosova: Team Up!

EUROPAN is a call for projects of ideas at the urban and architectural scale, addressed to young architects under 40 years of age, which look for innovative housing solutions in different urban sites in European towns.

Following a successful first-time organization of the Europan 11 competition, Europan Kosova is participating also this year’s Europan 12 competition, among the 15 other participating countries on the theme The Adaptable City with the project site in Gjilan. For further information on the competition and participating details, read after the break.