Gjakova University Campus Entry

The proposal submitted by Dafina Muriqi, Shpat Pozhegu and Besmir Hasi is one of the total two submissions for the “Campus Design Competition of the University of Gjakova”. Although the competition was cancelled in absence of more than three participants, the proposal of these young architects deserves to be part of our website architectural proposals. More details about the project, after the break…

CMPR: Maden Group & Co

The organizer of the Central Mosque of Prishtina competition, the Islamic Community of the Republic of Kosovo, announced that 136 freelance and companies were registered for the competition, from which 81 submitted their projects on time. Out of those who submitted, surprisingly, only a quarter were local studios. Prishtina-based architecture practice Maden Group, in collaboration with Rron Tresi arch. and Marsida Musta arch., were among the few local practices and who`s design was praised by many as “fusion of modern Islamic and European architecture in the modern-day Europe.” Featured below is the studio`s exclusive proposal for the competition.

CMPR: Taller 301 & L+CC

Recently the Islamic Community of the Republic of Kosova announced the three winners of the Central Mosque of Prishtina International Competition, with no first prize winners announcing Sadarvuga and a Turkish practice as runner offs competitors, for the final design improvments in accordance with further suggestions from the Islamic Community.

However, other competitors shared their entry proposals with the public. Referring to bustler.net publication, see the brief proposal by Colombian practice Taller 301 and Dutch practice L+CC.

Central Mosque – Competition Winners

The winners of the international design competition for the Central Mosque of Prishtina were recently announced by the organizer, the Islamic Community of the Republic of Kosova. The competition had invited freelancers from around the world to design a place of worship, a place of multidimensional functions, a landmark of Kosova.

The announced results for the CMPR design competition draws with NO first place winner!

Hotel Sirius

Puka Design architecture practice has completed a new accommodation and conference center located in the center of Prishtina, the Hotel Sirius as one of the latest hotels to join the growing competition in the developing market of catering in Kosovo.

An “I” shaped section, evaluated in the front side and connected with square shape inspirations on site plan, elevation and façade, Hotel Sirius extends itself as a luxury hotel with 8 floors of different sized rooms and a fancy restaurant on the top floor, with a nice view towards Prishtina.