“SEAMbisiosis” winners of Europan 13 Gjakova

Dea Luma, Erblin Bucaliu, and Rrita Pula are the architects of one of the winners of the Europan 13 Architecture Competition. Their project “SEAMbiosis”, is the winning proposal for the historic city of Gjakova, aiming to revitalize the city center and further develop the “Krena” riverbank, as well as create better connectivity within town.

More images and architects’ description after the break.

BMA + Tresi proposal on Gjakova’s Park

Aiming to consolidate the park site in to a more rational space, the team led by Besian Mehmeti Architects and Rron Tresi have won the special mention award, on the competition launched by municipal of Gjakova to redesign city’s park area. Designed to act as a welcoming landmark for the...

Aiming to consolidate the park...

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Located in the future building complex of the Lakrishte neighborhood, a new apartment building has been inserted into the existing context with remarkable ease. Architects of Nartel Company designed a composition based on the area's rise scale, which has made possible the incorporation of a higher...

Located in the future building...

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Villa 70 by MADEN Group

In a pocket of countryside between Mitrovica and Prishtina, lying in a small plot of no more than 200 square meters, the architects of the local firm MADEN Group, recently designed and built a 70 square meters vacation house. Architects’ description and images, after the break. Villa...

In a pocket of countryside bet...

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French to develop Brezovica ski resort

Since 2013 when the Government of Kosova initiated discussions with possible investors for an exclusive development of Brezovica’s ski resort, now this project of a national importance has ended its final stage. Among many consortiums proposals, including bidders of an Austrian-American consortium, Bulgarian-Austrian consortium, a...

Since 2013 when the Government...

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A square in honor of Ismail Qemali

Prishtina will have a new venue for its citizens, honoring the independence architect of Albanian Country, Ismail Qemali. Major of the Municipality of Prishtina, Shpend Ahmeti, has hosted today a delegation from Vlora, headed by the chief of the State Control and the former deputy, Bujar...

Prishtina will have a new venu...

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Follow up: Architecture in Kosova

Dear readers, 5 years ago since we started ONUP we have featured our magazine portal in various social networks, including here FLICKR, an image hosting and video hosting website. Therefore starting of today we will feature a selection from our Flick group, showing on this round photos of different...

Dear readers, 5 years ago sinc...

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International College in Mitrovica

In the multiethnic city and one of the oldest urban settlements of Kosova, Mitrovica, the new building of the International College opened last autumn, with the other one following at the other side of the “divided” city. The already build building, designed by URBAN Plus, is...

In the multiethnic city and on...

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ONUP Talks on “Home or Abroad”

ONUP Talks is debuting on its first edition, as an architecture symposium organized by ONUP Platform with the support of the Kosovar Ministry of Diaspora, on a series of talks by well-known Kosovan architects and artists living and working all around the world. The event will...

ONUP Talks is debuting on its ...

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Minimax CITY Complex

During the last decade, Prishtina experienced a big movement of population which had an influence on the increase of the urban area within the city center. Therefore this new apartment building complex is aimed for the inhabitants who would rather not want to live in...

During the last decade, Prisht...

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Kosovar students, competition winners

The annual students competition “Society for all ages” organized by UN-HABITAT and ICCC (International Council for Caring Communities), have announced the winners of its 2014 edition. Among the winners of the principal awards of the competition, second entry winners were Kosovar students, Dafine Shllaku and Laura Shllaku, with their project proposal for the development of an integrated community.


EUROPAN KOSOVA has just published the results for Europan 12 Competition, taking site in Gjilan. Out of 35 projects submitted by young architects that we’re in the look of a more innovative result of urban solutions, with the theme “The Adaptable City”.

The jury of international architects has unanimously announced their verdict of no first prize winner, announcing the runner up entry with code XX634 and a special mention to the entry with code AH655.

Green Habitat by Maden Group

Another project commended by the young architects at Maden Group, reflecting the idea of creating a high standard residential and recreational building with a green character, providing thus qualitative and innovative values to the urban life.

As a whole, the building is 2B+P+12 and includes 21,820 square meters, shaped through sustainable development and modern projecting, and divided into two separate units: that of living and that of common spaces. Architects’ description and more images after the break.

Urban Plus open studios

Last week during Prishtina Architecture Week, Urban Plus held an open studio session welcoming students and freelancers of the profession to their working environments, to see what’s been happening by looking around the studios and talking to each of the staff personally about their work. Check for more photos after the break.

Prishtina Architecture Week: Day 1

The inaugural of Prishtina Architecture Week took place this afternoon to a capacity crowd at Modelarium – FCAE Department of Architecture. Ila Beka & Louise Lemoine engaged in with “Koolhaas Houselife” – a documentary from the Living Architecture Series, following after by an inspiring conversation touching on cinematographic architecture. Part of today’s event as well was the “swiss-kosovan” based practice MORKOTE, chaired by Arbnor Murati which gave an insight into their past and current workings of his practice.

Europan 12 Kosova: Team Up!

EUROPAN is a call for projects of ideas at the urban and architectural scale, addressed to young architects under 40 years of age, which look for innovative housing solutions in different urban sites in European towns.

Following a successful first-time organization of the Europan 11 competition, Europan Kosova is participating also this year’s Europan 12 competition, among the 15 other participating countries on the theme The Adaptable City with the project site in Gjilan. For further information on the competition and participating details, read after the break.

PEJA BAZAAR by Urban Plus

On the competition Peja Bazaar, features as spatial development, functionality and practicability were taken much into consideration. Therefore the second winning proposal by Urban PLUS presented a variety of a combined appearance transferring the plot to the required number of units resulting on mosaic architecture of eight different cubes, providing commonly accessible spaces, with an inner square that would satisfy the needs of the shop owners and meanwhile provide a better access to the riverfront.

Continue after the break for more images and description by the project authors.

Locus: Proposal by Maden Group

On the recent publication from the Department of Urbanism and Environmental Protection of the Municipality of Peja on the winners of the competition Peja City Center, Maden Creative Studio held the third place. This studio`s design approach named Locus, or the center of activities or power, not only merges the architecture with the overwhelming natural beauties the city of Peja hosts, but also redefines this part of the city as the center of all future activities. Below you may find the studio`s design description and exclusive presentation renderings.

Peja: A city seeking European trends

A city of 96,000, home of the White Drin River and the picturesque Rugova Canyon, Peja is undergoing vast urban developments. Recently, the Department of Urbanism and Environmental Protection of the Municipality of Peja held a competition on revisioning the center of the city, as per the Urban Regulatory Plan “Centre, Kapeshnica and Karagaqi”.

Swiss Diamond Hotel

by Boriana KLLOGJERI

It has been a month since I visit Prishtina for my first time. I spend there only one day but I really liked the city. Every single time I was comparing it with Tirana and the greatest advantage of Prishtina is the “quality”. It is clear that Prishtina`s “outfit” is the industrial one, but if you look carefully on the city`s streets you can find some real architectural “gems” like coffee shops, restaurants and hotels.

The Glass Box by Maden Group

Buying our own products directly affects the economic development of our state, increasing the number of jobs and improving the social well-being. Therefore to support the local producers and encourage consumption of local products, the organizers of Shpija e Kosoves Reality Show (the Kosovan version of Big Brother Show) hired the local architecture practice MADEN Group to design the Prishtina’s Glass Box, where three people would live in for a week consuming only local products.

Remodeling Zahir Pajaziti Square

Prishtina’s citizens today seek for new lively gathering places where they could experience their neighboorhoods, where different cultures mix. Therefore squares are really important to city’s social and especially economical future. As an urban renewal project, the municipality of Prishtina initiated the competition of remodeling the most central and relevant public space in Prishtina, the Zahir Pajaziti Square.

Landslip at ENK Complex

Started in 2006, ENK Complex represents a historical urban moment for the further development of the capital of Kosovo, Prishtina.

ENK Complex that is still under construction and it is planed to offer offices, luxury apartments and a hotel with 5 stars, has just recently suffered from landslide at the working site, where nobody has been injured and the project it’s self isn’t halted.

Prishtina Stadium Renovation


The stadium that is used as a multi-functional sport field is located in the center of the city. In the fifties some small tribune were build along the field with a capacity of 5.000 seats. Then was rebuilt in the 80’s by expanding on its sides and the upper West grandstands were added covered with a huge steel roof, creating a space for 38,500 fans.