Remote Glass Cabin in Norway

When Frode Danielsen invited his then-girlfriend Tone Beathe Øvrevoll on a holiday to Hallvardøy Island in northern Norway, little did he know that she would fall so deeply in love with the area that they would spend the next two years putting down roots on...

When Frode Danielsen invited h...

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Why Malls Are Dying!?

In the 1980s, malls were a place to meet, to hang out, to find your entertainment while socializing. Malls made "deciding what to do" simple because they offered a variety of shopping, movies, restaurants, and arcades. But with the rise of online shopping, home video,...

In the 1980s, malls were a pla...

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KO Kindergarten in Matsuyama

A rebuild kindergarten project in Matsuyama, Ehime. Recently cars are daily necessities in a provincial city and it gets more common children go to kindergarten by bus or car. So they have fewer chances to take exercises in daily life. An increasing number of children...

A rebuild kindergarten project...

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Apartment Building for Four friends

This apartment building by Lussi+Halter Partner AG + Lola Domenech, was an initiative of four couples of friends join in a common project to build a building of five apartments in Barcelona with communal spaces of coexistence. The promoters of the building are the users...

This apartment building by Lus...

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Tennis Terraces by Gras

White concrete cantilevered slabs define a new tennis club in the middle of the nature that combines a social building together with tennis courts; a total of 17 courts of all surfaces: grass, clay and hard. A Master series facility. The strong natural context defines the...

White concrete cantilevered sl...

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Minimalist Cabin by Robin Falck

The Finnish designer Robin Falck comes back with a new minimalist and very elegant cabin , wishing to get rid of the useless things, and then simplifying the best he could. Developed in partnership with the energy company Neste, “Nolla” has an ecological footprint equal...

The Finnish designer Robin Fal...

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The Society Hotel Bingen

Portland-based Waechter Architecture has released images of The Society Hotel Bingen, a new 20,000-square-foot lodging and recreational destination for visitors seeking a refined, off-the-beaten-trail experience in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area. Initiated in 2017, Society Hotel Bingen consists of five distinct yet related...

Portland-based Waechter Archit...

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Leeza SOHO by Zaha Hadid Architects

Located on Lize Road in southwest Beijing, Leeza SOHO tower anchors the new Fengtai business district - a growing financial and transport hub between the city centre and the recently opened Beijing Daxing International Airport to the south. The new business district is integral to...

Located on Lize Road in southw...

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PIT House by UID Architects

This unusual 1,256-square-foot residence in Okayama Prefecture, Japan, looks like a simple wooden box from the outside. However, the interior features a surprising layout with a sunken living area set within a dug-out "pit" in the ground. Designed by Hiroshima–based UID Architects for a couple with...

This unusual 1,256-square-foot...

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Xi Zhang: What is good architecture…?

What is good architecture and why the world does not need more star architects. For star architects, all too frequently it is all about expressing their creativity and “genius” in their architecture. But truly great architecture is selfless. It is not self-serving but about making designs...

What is good architecture and ...

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Spitali i ri pediatrik-kirurgjik

Emiratet e Bashkuara Arabe (EBA) do të japin 22 milionë euro për ndërtimin e një spitali të ri pediatrik-kirurgjik në kuadër të Qendrës Klinike Universitare të Kosovës. Pamjet nga projekti ideor për Spitalin e ri Pediatrik-Kirurgjik të Fëmijëve, i cili do të fillojë të ndërtohet në...

Emiratet e Bashkuara Arabe (EB...

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V.G. Construction Building

Studio ARCADIS have recently designed a new administrative Building for the city of Prishtina. Their project, "V.G. Construction Building” will be located south of the Prishtina city, in Veternik, an area set for the new development of the city. More images and architects’ description after the break. V.G. Construction building, is...

Studio ARCADIS have recently d...

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“SEAMbisiosis” winners of Europan 13 Gjakova

Dea Luma, Erblin Bucaliu, and Rrita Pula are the architects of one of the winners of the Europan 13 Architecture Competition. Their project “SEAMbiosis”, is the winning proposal for the historic city of Gjakova, aiming to revitalize the city center and further develop the “Krena” riverbank, as well as create better connectivity within town.

More images and architects’ description after the break.

Prizren’s new stadium proposal

Football fans of Prizren’s main football club KF Liria, which competes on the elite league of Kosova, will have a new standard 15,000 seats stadium according to, a local sports’ daily. This new arrangement involves the redevelopment of the Prizren’s city stadium “Perparim Thaci” and it’s surrounding...

Football fans of Prizren’s mai...

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Klan KOSOVA Television

“Klan KOSOVA Television” is one of the first examples of industrial building transformation in Kosovo (it was one a manufacturing plant for shock absorbers). It is seen as a model on raising people’s awareness in recycling and reusing materials. The architectural concepts generated from reused and recycled...

“Klan KOSOVA Television” is on...

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Rekuem për Arkitekturën

nga Anyla Berisha (Për refuzimin e Kosovës në UNESCO) Le të përshëndetemi me reliket e fundit të ruajtura, gjurmët të një qytetërimi të lashtë, cilido qoftë ai. Le të përshëndetemi, me deshmitë e fundit të jetës së banorëve paraardhës, me tregimet, historitë, tragjeditë, gëzimet, mitet e gdhendura...

nga Anyla Berisha (Për refuzim...

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ONUP Talks 2014: Visar Geci

  Watch above the video talk by Visar Geci of INNARCH the architectural practice famous for their Don Cafe conceptual interior designs, giving an extent to which technology has transformed the architecture, and the challenges of architecture education abroad....

  Watch above the vide...

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ONUP Talks 2014 lectures

Exactly one year ago to this date we started the ONUP Talks series, where with the support of the Kosovar Ministry of Diaspora, we organized the symposium ONUP Talks 14: “Home or Abroad”, with diaspora professionals which have learned "habits" and "craft" from schools/places where they...

Exactly one year ago to this d...

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Transforming Garibaldi Street

With the goal to convert the city’s central road, into a more elegant space that befits the functionality and the touristic attraction to the city, the Department of Infrastructure of Prishtina municipal have begun with the regeneration of Garibaldi Street. Garibaldi Street is one of the...

With the goal to convert the c...

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BMA + Tresi proposal on Gjakova’s Park

Aiming to consolidate the park site in to a more rational space, the team led by Besian Mehmeti Architects and Rron Tresi have won the special mention award, on the competition launched by municipal of Gjakova to redesign city’s park area. Designed to act as a welcoming landmark for the...

Aiming to consolidate the park...

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Located in the future building complex of the Lakrishte neighborhood, a new apartment building has been inserted into the existing context with remarkable ease. Architects of Nartel Company designed a composition based on the area's rise scale, which has made possible the incorporation of a higher...

Located in the future building...

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Revitalization of Adem Jashari Square?

Based on anonymously-presented submission, Shpend Ahmeti the mayor of Prishtina announced on his official Facebook profile, the project for the revitalization of Adem Jashari square floor, located in between the Municipality and the Assembly of Kosova. Revitalizing of Adem Jashari Square is a priority for the City...

Based on anonymously-presented...

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11 Qershori afati definitiv per legalizim

Kanë mbetur edhe tre javë kur do të përfundojë afati ligjor për aplikim për regjistrimin e objekteve të ndërtuara pa leje. Shefi i sektorit të urbanizmit Hazir Zhitia tha për Radio Kosovën, se në komunën e Prishtinës procesi është i suksesshëm. Sipas tij, deri më...

Kanë mbetur edhe tre javë kur ...

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Villa 70 by MADEN Group

In a pocket of countryside between Mitrovica and Prishtina, lying in a small plot of no more than 200 square meters, the architects of the local firm MADEN Group, recently designed and built a 70 square meters vacation house. Architects’ description and images, after the break. Villa...

In a pocket of countryside bet...

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Skandali i Hamamit të Prizrenit

Njëra nga bukuritë dhe njëri ndër objektet me të cilat edhe identifikohet qyteti i Prizrenit, është edhe Hamami i këtij qyteti. Mirëpo, siç duket ky hamam nuk do të këtë hijeshinë me të cilën ishte dalluar deri vonë. Restaurimet në këtë monument të kulturës, të cilat...

Njëra nga bukuritë dhe njëri n...

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NM HOUSE by Arcadis Studio

The private housing market for single families is one of the only fields that the architects in Kosova still have some freedom to innovate and explore new conceptual and spatial possibilities. The project of ARCADIS Studio, is a good example of this fact. Designed by...

The private housing market for...

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EUROPA 13 Gjakova

As we've revealed earlier,  the Europan 13 competition is now open! Young architects and professionals of the urban design under 40 years of age can now participate to the competition on one or more than 49 different sites in 15 European countries, including the site proposed by the Municipality...

As we've revealed earlier,  th...

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Spatial Emotions book

Akademia Evolucion Interior Design department is launching an international book with the title Spatial Emotions on March 2015. It is aimed to reach variety of readers through the field of design, especially design students through English and Albanian speaking countries. Akademi Evolucion welcomes designers’ articles related...

Akademia Evolucion Interior De...

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ASBESTI – vrasësi i heshtur

nga Mimoza Dugolli  Çdo vit, shume punëtorë ne kantieret ndërtimore ose vendet e tyre të punës  vdesin  ose marrin lëndime me pasoja te rënda, si rezultat i mënyrës se si e kryejnë punën e tyre; te tjerët e vuajnë pasojat në shëndetin e tyre ne forma te ndryshme. Këto...

nga Mimoza Dugolli  Çdo vit, ...

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National Library celebrates 70 years

The architectural creature of the famous Croatian architect Andrija Mutnjakovic, celebrated yesterday its 7th decade birthday. Listed as one of the most unpleasant constructions ever build, our national pride stands high above the critics with its overall figure, reminding us of our past, sheltering many...

The architectural creature of ...

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VIDEO: Urban chaos in Prishtina

In a local TV show, some professionals of architecture and urban planning in Kosova made a brief appearance talking about urbanization and living of urban life in Prishtina, with its difficulties and forthcoming challenges. Whereas governors are trying to deal with more vital problems in politics, some opportunist investors...

In a local TV show, some profe...

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U.S. Embassy in Prishtina

Birmigham Business Journal reports that BL Harbert International has been commissioned for building works of the American Embassy in Prishtina, designed by New York’s Davis Brody Bond architects and planners. Read the full article by after the break. Birmingham-based BL Harbert International will build the new...

Birmigham Business Journal rep...

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French to develop Brezovica ski resort

Since 2013 when the Government of Kosova initiated discussions with possible investors for an exclusive development of Brezovica’s ski resort, now this project of a national importance has ended its final stage. Among many consortiums proposals, including bidders of an Austrian-American consortium, Bulgarian-Austrian consortium, a...

Since 2013 when the Government...

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DIDA House by Pacarizi

The private housing market for single families is one of the few architectural structures that is positively changing during the recent years in Kosova. It is where architects still have the opportunity and some freedom to innovate and explore new conceptual and spatial possibilities. This...

The private housing market for...

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A square in honor of Ismail Qemali

Prishtina will have a new venue for its citizens, honoring the independence architect of Albanian Country, Ismail Qemali. Major of the Municipality of Prishtina, Shpend Ahmeti, has hosted today a delegation from Vlora, headed by the chief of the State Control and the former deputy, Bujar...

Prishtina will have a new venu...

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Follow up: Architecture in Kosova

Dear readers, 5 years ago since we started ONUP we have featured our magazine portal in various social networks, including here FLICKR, an image hosting and video hosting website. Therefore starting of today we will feature a selection from our Flick group, showing on this round photos of different...

Dear readers, 5 years ago sinc...

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Archaeology lights up our past

Newly archaeological discoveries have been found in an archaeological site in the village of Dresnik, Klina. These discoveries put light to an early civilization of Kosovo. Digging of over a year now, archaeologists have stumbled on two new rooms covered by colorful mosaics. This year...

Newly archaeological discoveri...

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International College in Mitrovica

In the multiethnic city and one of the oldest urban settlements of Kosova, Mitrovica, the new building of the International College opened last autumn, with the other one following at the other side of the “divided” city. The already build building, designed by URBAN Plus, is...

In the multiethnic city and on...

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Out of three, none started!

Even though over one million Euros of this year’s budget were planned for capital investments on the field of architecture, the Municipality of Prishtina still hasn't spent a dime on them in over a year. The three major projects which were planned to begin this year, still...

Even though over one million E...

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VIDEO: “Boro-Ramizi” Center

  We’ve just stumbled upon this awesome video on a TV show made in 1975 by the local Television of Prishtina, showing the enthusiasm of the capital's inhabitants, respectively employees of different companies for the construction of sports and recreation facilities, which then would be called Social Sports...

  We’ve just stumbled up...

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ONUP Talks on “Home or Abroad”

ONUP Talks is debuting on its first edition, as an architecture symposium organized by ONUP Platform with the support of the Kosovar Ministry of Diaspora, on a series of talks by well-known Kosovan architects and artists living and working all around the world. The event will...

ONUP Talks is debuting on its ...

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Ecoweek Kosova, October 12-19!

ECOWEEK Kosova, debuts this Sunday in Prishtina for the first time! Creating exciting opportunity to students and professionals from different countries, by bringing ECOOWEEK’s principles of education, cooperation, and sustainability in Kosova. Scheduled to take place this Sunday, with the opening lectures and welcomes at the...

ECOWEEK Kosova, debuts this Su...

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